After the invitation addressed by Linha do Horizonte Journal to publish the work developed in both the Naadir1 project and the Eyesight Cartographies2 discipline, this editorial guest team decided to promote the contribution of others, gathering different insights and research related to the same thematic matter: the practices and the extancy of perspective drawing in its multiple purposes, meanings and operating modes.
Therefore, we are announcing a Call for Papers and a Colloquium, where research work can be presented and discussed among peers. These papers will then be published in the next issue of Linha do Horizonte, which will be titled Cartografias do Olhar/ Eyesight Cartographies.
The submitted papers shall be original and may tackle either theoretical or practical issues. There will be a peer review in two phases, according to the timetable in the left menu.
The Guest Editors
Ana Santos Guerreiro
José Vítor Correia
Luís Romão
Manuel Couceiro da Costa
Contact: cartografiasdoolhar@fa.ulisboa.pt
1. download a paper of Naadir
2. download a paper of Cartografias do Olhar